Découvrez trois BD qui abordent des sujets différents : la dépression, les obsessions contemporaines et les conteurs de Bagdad. Avec humour et finesse, les auteurs nous emmènent dans des univers variés et captivants. De quoi satisfaire tous les goûts !
This page features books on architecture, specifically on the buildings, monuments, and structures of Paris and New York. The books showcase stunning duotone photographs of the finest and most interesting examples of architecture in these cities. Additionally, the page includes a book on public spectacles in Roman and Late Antique Palestine, which introduces readers to the panoply of public entertainment that flourished in Palestine during that time period.
This page features a list of German books for children, including Christmas stories and tales of friendship. The books include Eine neue Weihnachtsgeschichte by Hans Wilhelm, Heimliche Freundin by Katarina Genar, Ein neues Jahr im Möwenweg by Kirsten Boie, and Weihnachten im Möwenweg by Kirsten Boie. Each book offers a unique and heartwarming story that is perfect for children of all ages.
This page features a list of German books for children with Christmas themes. The books include 'Babar und der Weihnachtsmann' by Jean de Brunhof, 'Schnauze, es ist Weihnachten' by Karen Christine Angermayer and Annette Swoboda, 'Die Weihnachtsgeschichte, erzählt von einem Fuchs' by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen, 'Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte' by Charles Dickens, and 'Ritter Rost feiert Weihnachten' by J. Hilbert and F. Janosa. The books are suitable for children and are written in German. Each book has a unique Christmas story that is sure to delight young readers.
В этом списке представлены три бестселлера на немецком языке: 'Бумажные города' Джона Грина, 'Воды слонам!' Сары Груэн и 'Завтрак у Тиффани' Трумена Капоте. Каждая книга рассказывает уникальную историю, которая заставит читателя пережить множество эмоций и оставит яркие впечатления.